Visions of an Icon Superman art auctions begin tonight on eBay - Sim, McFarlane
Back in June we had a number of different artists submit their version of the Man of Steel in honour of his 70th birthday and to honour his co-creator, Joe Shuster, for whom the Joe Shuster Canadian Comic Book Creator Awards have been named.
42 pieces were submitted, and were displayed twice as an art exhibit - once on June 14th on the date of the presentation of the 4th Annual Joe Shuster Awards, and again in early November as part of the Speakeasy Comic Art show in Toronto.
Starting tonight, we will begin auctioning off the pieces on eBay as part of our fundraising efforts for the 2009 Awards.
The 42 pieces can be viewed here: http://comicartfans.com/GalleryRoom.asp?GSub=66580
11 auctions start tonight (Monday Nov. 24)- artists included are:
Francis Manapul
Scott Chantler
Jeff Lemire
Alexander Perkins
Sam Agro
Eric Kim
Ryan Snook
Colin Upton
Agnes Garbowska
Ed Northcott
Dave Sim
11 auctions start tomorrow night (Tuesday Nov. 25) - artists included are:
Marcus To
Gabriel Morrissette
Fiona Smyth
Dave Ross
Ty Templeton
Michael Cho
Kent Burles
Tom Grummett
Noel Tuazon
Greg Hyland
Todd McFarlane
Except for three pieces, all of the initial offerings are no reserve auctions, with a starting price of $49.99. We'll be doing some more next week as well.
Please note: We have set reserves for the Sim, McFarlane and Grummett contributions that we feel are fair for pieces of this quality.
Please take a look, and hopefully something there will catch your eye.
All monies raised from the sale of these pieces, after fees are paid, goes towards next year's awards.
I will be selling these under my own eBay userid "kevthemev" instead of the low feedback "joe_shuster_awards" id.
Auctions start at 8PM EST (both nights) and finish before 9PM EST.
Here's a link to my store. JSA art will be listed under a new store category "Joe Shuster Awards Art Auctions":