And SWEET TOOTH #26 is also out today. It's a great jumping on point to the series, with a brand new storyline starting up called "THE TAXIDERMIST" and features stunning, fully painted artwork by my guest artist extraordinaire, MATT KINDT!
Matt is an incredible cartoonist in his own right. His most recent books include the stunning REVOLVER from Vertigo, 3 STORY:The Secret Life of THE GIANT MAN from Dark Horse and SUPERSPY from Top Shelf. We met at MOCCA about six or seven years ago and hit it off right away. Matt has since become one of my closest friends and agreed to to take on the art chores for this special 3-issue story in Sweet Tooth so that I could finally finish my UNDERWATER WELDER graphic novel for Top Shelf.
The story itself flashes back to 1911 in Alaska and features a whole new cast of characters that, at first glance, seem completely unrelated to out regular cast of Gus, Jepperd etc. But as the tale unfolds we start to see surprising connections and eventually the origin of The Plague will be revealed in Issue 28!
Matt knocked it out of the park, and I think this is some of his absolute finest artwork. I'm really excited about the story and couldn't be happier to finally collaborate with Matt!
I'll leave you with a crazy teaser page from Issue 27!