Soft Instruments will be an ongoing comic strip serialized regularly and exclusively right here.
I started working on SI in fall of 2005. At that time I serialized about 25 chapters on my old website. For whatever reason, the project wasn't quite where I wanted it to be and I abandoned it soon after. But, the story stuck with me, as the good one's do. I kept going back to it in my sketchbooks. I've also been looking for a side project to my more for my personal longer format work (in this case my Essex County graphic novels which have dominated my creative life for the last two years). As much as my other work satisfies me, I still feel like I have another side to my storytelling self, the side that loves science fiction, superheroes, horror and fantasy. In other words my inner geek/fanboy has been screaming for an outlet too.
So here it is. Soft Instruments has been percolating in various forms for the better part of ten years. It will be my big sci-fi/steam punk project, told in an old fashioned serialized comic strip format. If my Essex County books are my love letter to my childhood home, my family and my love of hockey, than SI is my secret lust letter to Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, William Gibson, and Alan Moore.
I can't promise daily chapters, but at least a couple strips a week is a realistic expectation. I've posted the first 8 chapters to start. Just enough for you to get a sense of the story and the world. You can also access "bonus features" like character dossiers, maps and an overall synopsis.
I hope you enjoy, and come back for more. I have the entire saga plotted out, and it should be enough to keep me and you busy and entertained for a few years at least...see you at the end.
I'm trying to figure out how to do an RSS feed to the comic, but I'm webtarded so until I figure it out, keep checking back!