Written by JEFF LEMIRE
Art and cover by JEFF LEMIRE
“Endangered Species” continues as Gus and Jepperd discover the dam and the amazing secrets it holds. But when Jepperd and Walter Fish butt heads, it threatens to tear the group apart. Meanwhile, Singh and Johnny come face to face with the foot soldiers of the mysterious “Haggarty,” and new secrets of “Project Evergreen” begin to surface.
On sale JUNE 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • Mature Readers

SUPERBOY #8 Written by JEFF LEMIRE Art by PIER GALLO Cover by KARL KERSCHL The mystery of the Hollow Men has been on Superboy’s mind ever since the first issue. The Phantom Stranger knows the secrets behind this Smallville legend, and Superboy is determined to get The Stranger to share that knowledge – but such information comes at a price, one Superboy may not be able to pay. Everything so far has been building up to this story, which kicks off here! On sale JUNE 1 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

FLASHPOINT: FRANKENSTEIN AND THE CREATURES OF THE UNKNOWN #1 Written by JEFF LEMIRE Art by IBRAIM ROBERSON Cover by DOUG MAHNKE FLASH FACT! They can’t survive unless they find their maker! Retailers: Please see the Previews Order form for special FLASHPOINT promotional buttons. On sale JUNE 8 • 1 of 3, 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T