The second volume of my Essex County trilogy of graphic novels is in the current Previews catalogue for a September release. I guess I should actually start working on it soon, eh? ...kidding. In all honestly, I am extremely proud of the book. It is the longest project I've undertaken (224 pages) and it was a real marathon working on it, but I really feel it is the best thing I have ever done. It is a huge leap forward for me both visually and as a writer and I'm really excited to get it out there.
And, for those put off by the hockey content, please give it a chance, Hockey is indeed a central part of the narrative, but it is about a whole lot more than that...specifically how betrayal, loss and guilt push and pull at the fabric of family in small town life. So, while hockey is used as a central metaphor, the book is no more a sports story than Tales From The Farm was a super- hero story. And, for those who do love sports and old-time hockey, I think you'll get a real kick out of it as well.
Here's the synopsis from Top Shelf's Website, written by the main man Chris Staros himself:
ESSEX COUNTY (V 2): GHOST STORIES by Jeff Lemire If you haven't read Jeff's first book, Essex County (Vol 1): Tales from the Farm, then pick it up right now, as you're not going to want to miss his second volume, Ghost Stories. Jeff is one of the most amazing new cartoonists to hit the comics community in years, and these two books are absolutely gorgeous and profoundly emotional. Ghost Stories is the second volume in a trilogy of graphic novels set in a fictionalized version of Lemire’s hometown of Essex County, Ontario. Ghost Story follows the lives and relationship of brothers Lou and Vince Lebeuf over the course of nearly seven decades. In this volume, eldest brother Lou, now a deaf and lonely man, lives out his final days on his farm full of guilt and regret for the decisions he made that tore his family apart. From their childhood on the farm, to Toronto in the 1950’s (where they both played professional hockey), Lou revisits his life, a silent observer haunting his own memories.
224 pages, Graphic Novel, Diamond Order Code: JUL073879, ISBN 978-1-891830-94-5, $14.95 (US)
So, go on...PRE-ORDER IT!