The extra-sized first issue my next creator-owned series BLACK HAMMER featuring art by DEAN ORMSTON (Lucifer), Colors by DAVE STEWART (Hellboy) and Letters by the legendary TODD KLIEN (Sandman) will be released in June! Make sure to ask your local comic book retailer to pre-order you a copy!
I will also be providing variant covers for the first 6 issues, coloured by Dave Stewart...
Black Hammer #1
Jeff Lemire (W/Variant cover), Dean Ormston (A/Cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale June 10
FC, 32 pages
Once they were heroes, but the age of heroes has long since passed. Banished from existence by a multiversal crisis, the old champions of Spiral City—Abraham Slam, Golden Gail, Colonel Weird, Madame Dragonfly, and Barbalien—now lead simple lives in a timeless farming town. Even as they try to find their way home, trouble has a unique way of finding heroes wherever they are!
• From the prodigious brain of Jeff Lemire (Descender, Animal Man, Sweet Tooth)!
• Amazingly realized by Dean Ormston (Lucifer, 2000 AD) and Dave Stewart (Hellboy)!
• Extra-long first issue—26 story pages!
New from Jeff Lemire!
"With Lemire, readers know they’re always going to get a tight story with spot-on dialogue."—USA Today